Sunday, July 10, 2005

Grad Reflections

So, a couple weeks ago I officially graduated: had a bit of a party yesterday with some friends to commemorate that (I know it's a bit late, but I've been working pretty steadily since grad: even worked the night after!). Grad is an interesting ritual: for many, it is treated as one of the biggest moments in their life. Personally, I didn't find it as big of a deal: a lot of my friends have been all disappointed that high school's at an end, but I wasn't that big of a fan of high school in the first place, so it didn't affect me as much. I'm also planning 9-10 more years of schooling (Bachelor's, then Master's or Ph.D), so it's not like it's all over for me. It is nice to be done high school, and travelling on to university, where hopefully they'll treat students as if they have a little more intelligence... that remains to be seen, however. I can't say I'm really missing high school: now I can still hang out with the friends I made there, without having to put up with all the idiots and jerks that populated the hallways. However, I do miss getting to see friends every day, but it makes the times we can get together (like yesterday) more memorable. I think for me it will be a bigger change moving away from everyone I know in September. Anyone else have some thoughts on what high school's conclusion has meant to them?


Blogger Mr. H said...

The end of high school sucked. Even though I loved FVC dearly, and all the people who went there, that's not why I'm sad that high school is over. The end of highschool, or the beginning of summer in gerneral means work. Work = something I'd rather not do. Come September though, I will love every second of school, and if I feel overwhelmed with university, I just have to reflect back on summer, and be thankful that I'm not working.

8:00 p.m.  

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