Wednesday, July 20, 2005

University courses

I'm having some trouble with my courses for university at the moment. As further confirmation of my uniqueness, I seem to be the only student trying to take a Chemistry major/History minor (I know it's an odd combination, but those are my two main interests...). Unfortunately, not only did my first and second choice history classes conflict with my required schedule of courses, but now it seems the third (and only remaining option) does as well. I hate how universities cram all students in a particular course into one lecture block; it means there's very little flexibility in terms of timetables (labs and seminars have multiple sessions, but it seems most lectures only have one:(.), as well as restricting access to professors and the chances to get to know other people. Oh well. I'm hoping to be able to sort the course thing out this week, but we'll see how it goes. I really hope I don't have to drop history altogether: the history courses look like honestly the most fun in university (I'd take a history degree, but I don't really want to wind up teaching it, writing books on it, or pursuing unrelated work: the jobs in science seem much more appealing). I'll have to wait and see, I guess.


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