Monday, July 25, 2005

Good times

Yesterday (Saturday, which was actually technically two days ago, but it still feels like Sunday night to me) was a lot of fun. Went out for a fancy dinner at La Masia (amazing Spanish/Italian restaurant near my house) with my grandparents, parents, sister, and uncle, theoretically as a late grad celebration, which was sweet. The evening only got better from there... I got to go to my friend Stewart's place for a farewell party for him (he's leaving to go do wilderness guide training sessions, for those of you who hadn't heard), which was awesome. I saw so many of my friends that I hadn't seen since grad... it was just like the occasionally good, but frequently bad, old days of high school. We also went swimming at 1:30 A.M., which made for a neat finish to the evening: definitely an experience to remember! Hopefully, I'll get to do some more stuff with the guys before summer ends and I head off to Ontario: it's starting to become more real to me now that I'm likely to lose contact with some of my good friends. After grad, it wasn't such a big deal, but now the summer's half gone, and the rest is flying fast. I'm still working 40+ hours a week, and usually when my friends have their time off (I work nights, they all work days), which sometimes sucks, but I'm sure I'll need the money for school. Anyways, the big trip of my summer is coming up in a couple weeks: going to Golden for a softball tournament (know it's not much of a thrill compared to some of the stuff you guys are up to, but I'm really looking forward to some competitive sport again: haven't really played much of anything since grad). Until then, it's the same cycle for me: work until 12/1/2, come home, be too hyped up to go to sleep, sit at the computer for a couple hours, finally go to sleep, wake up anywhere 10-noon, lie around, go to work...


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