Saturday, October 15, 2005

Back again

All right, I've left this too long. Life's been busy here, but it will shortly get busier with midterms and assignments, so I'll update now while I have a chance. I am now officially a nerd: I have joined the SPAM club (Society of Pythonic Appreciation and Mimicry), which is basically a chance to savour the greatness of Monty Python (and other humour of that ilk) with my fellow nerd brothers: there are also the prospects of many other random events, such as chair races! I'm also playing intramural volleyball to try to relive the greatness of managing last year's team, and am on the MCRC (res student government) First-Year Advisory Commitee (which will take up my day tomorrow, er, today). Yet, I still have to find time to do all my assignments, labs and homework... oh well, it's worked out so far. Also, I just got my yearbook from last year: it's pretty well done, and there were at least a few laughs. Best quote ever: Drew Mckay, saying that if he was a superhero, he'd be Dan Brouwer, and have the superpowers of "huge guns, strong ability to attract females, and molecule displacement": I laughed out loud. Drew, I don't know if you bother reading this blog, but it's odd being at school without you for the first time in 13 years. Anyways, I'm out for now... must sleep...

Words of the Day: Borrowed from The Meaning Of Liff, by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd. The point is that they used odd city names from around the world to describe common experiences there are no words for currently. Check out
for some more words: I'll post more here also.

Generic term for anything which comes out of a gush despite all your careful efforts to let it out gently, e.g. flour into a white sauce, tomato ketchup on to fried fish, and one more that we can't post on the jacket of this book...
(Note: this is great, because our football team just killed U of T 37-0!)

TWEEDSMUIR (collective n.)
The name given to the extensive collection of hats kept in the downstairs lavatory which don't fit anyone in the family.
(Note: made me think of the Cloverdale high school near my house)

WIGAN (n.)
If, when talking to someone you know has only one leg, you're trying to treat then perfectly casually and normally, but find to your horror that your conversion is liberally studded with references to (a) Long John Silver, (b) Hopalong Cassidy, (c) The Hockey Cokey, (d) 'putting your foot in it', (e) 'the last leg of the UEFA competition', you are said to have committed a wigan. The word is derived from the fact that sub-editors at ITN used to manage to mention the name of either the town Wigan, or Lord Wigg, in every fourth script that Reginald Bosanquet was given to read.
(Note: Wigan currently has a team in the Premiership)

BANFF (adj.)
Pertaining to, or descriptive of, that kind of facial expression which is impossible to achieve except when having a passport photograph taken.
(Note: everyone should know where Banff is!)

A particular kind of tartan hold-all, made exclusive under licence for British Airways. When waiting to collect your luggage from an airport conveyor belt, you will notice that on the next conveyor belt along there is always a single, solitary bag going round and round uncollected. This is a glentaggart, which has been placed there by the baggage-handling staff to take your mind off the fact that your own luggage will shortly be landing in Murmansk.