Monday, November 27, 2006

Movie Soundtrack of My Life!

(Stole this simultaneously from Ricardo and Erik: if you take it from two sources, it's now research instead of plagiarism!)

So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (I proudly use Winamp instead of any Apple-branded crap:P!)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie

After I do this, I'm going to try doing one where I actually pick a song for each, rather than delegating to my random function (it currently has 2343 songs to pick from, so it will likely produce some rather nonsensical results!

Opening Credits: Five Iron Frenzy - Pre-Ex Girlfriend
Yup, story of my life right there.

Waking up: Richard Wagner - Gotterdamerung: Trauermarch
Now I know why I feel like going to war with the world early in the morning.

First Day at High school: Rush - A Farewell To Kings
Excellent: plenty of similarities between Rush's view of kings and my view of high school elites. This could work well.

Falling in Love: They Might Be Giants - D Is For Drums
Well, I guess I did sort of fall in love with my first drumset...

Fight Song: ApologetiX: Learn Some Deuteronomy
Classic: forgot I even had that song. Nothing like some old-school smiting music!

Breaking Up: Twisted Sister - The Beast
Yep, I could see that... breakup seen from my point of view.

Prom: Deep Purple - Fireball
Yeah, could work: it is about a relationship, and actually sort of reminds me of my prom night.

Life: American Made - Days Left Behind.
Yeah, pretty nice random pick: would have been better as a high school song though.

Mental Breakdown: Seattle Symphony - Beethoven's Ninth intro
Well, Beethoven's a good choice for a breakdown, but I would have picked the Fifth.

Driving: AC/DC - Girl's Got Rhythm
Terrific driving band, but not one of their best driving songs: I would have gone with Highway to Hell or You Shook Me All Night Long.

Flashback: Scottish National Anthem
Now that's just corny: I'm not even all that Scottish, so this doesn't make a lot of sense (unless it's a flashback to watching Braveheart for the first time!)

Getting Back Together: Proclaimers - I Would Walk 500 Miles
Spot on: not sure if I can top that in my own list.

Wedding: AC/DC - Whole Lot Of Rosie
Wow, that made me laugh way too much...

Birth of Child: Jesus Christ Superstar - Judas' Death
Okay, that's out of left field... would have been a better mental breakdown song (however, having kids might give me a breakdown!)

Final Battle: Five Iron Frenzy - 3rd World Think Tank
At least it has Tank in the name: bass lick is pretty good for a battle song.

Death Scene: Boston - Rock and Roll Band
That's a big miss: not a death song at all.

Funeral Song: Kiros - Let Go
That one works pretty nicely, actually... pretty perfect for my funeral/eulogy.

End Credits: Superchick - Princes and Frogs
Haha, hilarious... forgot I even had that on my computer. Could possibly work, from a certain point of view... but then, Vader killed Luke's father.


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