Sunday, March 19, 2006

"We're going off to war/We'll have girlfriends by the score/We'll be shot by Michael Moore!/Because we're not yet dead!

Yeah, I know I've left this blog for a while... I've been incredibly busy, but also really haven't had the motivation. The quote is from Spamalot, the Broadway version of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, which I was priviledged to see earlier this year: I can assure you all, that I am, in fact, not yet dead (it was only a flesh wound!). Anyways, here's a short list of what's happened since the last post:
- Went to Montreal over Reading Break with some friends; good times were had!
- (Barely) survived midterms.
- Ran for House President of my residence for next year (unfortunately, didn't win, once again proving that politics is definitely not my arena).
- Played lots of ball hockey: our intramural team is playing in the championship game on Tuesday.
- Followed the Canucks' recent losing streak:(... I still listen to every game.
- Met some pretty cool people who visited Queen's: John Sleeman, the CEO of Sleeman Breweries (quality beer), and John Tory, leader of the Ontario Opposition and the Ontario Conservative Party.
- Began hunting for houses for next year.
- Came to the conclusion that I'll be staying in Kingston for at least May and most of June: I'm going to be taking a spring course to get a requirement out of the way.
- Applied to be an Assistant News Editor at the Queen's Journal (our student newspaper) for next year: I'll find out if I get it this coming week, but there's been a ton of applications, so it's not looking hopeful.

Anyways, it's coming down to exams and final projects very soon, so I'm not sure when I'll be able to post next... I'll try to keep the gap shorter than this last one.


Blogger Dave said...

Sorry 'bout the failed campaign buddy. May you should rethink your fascist platform ;). Good to see your alive big guy, though I'm little disappointed you didn't make some lame pun about a Canadian politician with the last name Tory. Have a good one, blog more.

8:06 p.m.  
Blogger Andrew Bucholtz said...

Well Dave, if I'm a fascist, at least I'm not anti-Semetic;)!

8:56 p.m.  
Blogger Stewart said...

Boosh, flesh wound eh? I thought it would keep more than that to keep you from publishing such brilliant rants. I'll look forward to seeing you when you do come home man. peace.

7:18 p.m.  

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