Thursday, September 07, 2006

"Guess who's back/Back again"

In the words of the inestimable Mark Twain, "Rumors of my [blogging] demise have been greatly exaggerated." Working 6 days and 40+ hours a week does tend to restrict free time, however, which is why I haven't posted all summer. So, anyways, had a good summer at home: mostly work, but did manage to connect with some old friends, which was good fun. Spent a solid 16 hours travelling yesterday: woke up at 4:30 Pacific, left for the airport at 5, got into Toronto at 2:30, and then had to wait until 7 for the bus. I finally got into Kingston at 11, and then it took me most of an hour to drag my 100+ pounds of luggage to my house (I'm too cheap for taxis!). Anyways, these last few days before classes will be spent mostly unpacking, with a side order of hanging out with friends. I'm also covering tomorrow's opening doubleheader of the Queen's soccer teams for the Queen's Journal, our student newspaper. Speaking of sports, I've launched a new blog that will take the form of a weekly (ish) sports opinion column: check it out, and let me know what you think, at I'm still keeping this blog as well, and will use it for personal updates and random rants, plus all the other entropic posts I'm known for.