Sunday, August 14, 2005

Where to begin?

The last couple of weeks have been pretty crazy for me, and I've sort of neglected this blog. In order to reduce your eyestrain potential, I'm just going to list what's happened and just summarize the optimistic and pessimistic aspects of each...

First event: Parents going away for close to two weeks.
Upside: Having the house to myself.
Downside: Being responsible. Seriously, I hate this: if I had been willing just to trash the place and have wild parties, I could have had more fun (well, at the time anyways). Instead, I spent most of the time doing dishes, watering the lawn, and who can forget work. I had a grand total of 2 people show up for the one get together I did try to have, so that sort of put a damper on it. Oh well: it was actually sort of fun, and I liked the independence.

Second event: Car dying (starter went)
Upside: Didn't cost that much to fix, mechanic dealt with it right away (great guy by the way), and everyone at work was great about it: one of my managers (read:boss) even let me use his car for deliveries the one night mine was busted, and his car is both a lot newer and nicer than mine.
Downside: Of course, the universe is out to get me (or maybe just that annoying Murphy), so my car would break down while my parents are gone and I have zero access to other transportation: that was rather a pain.

Third event: Softball tournament
Upside: Got to play some sports, got to travel to Golden (road trip!), got a decent tan (well, excepting my torso, due to wearing a softball uniform: it's still pasty), got to use my tent again, and there were some pretty good looking girls in the tournament as well...
Downside: None of the girls would give me the time of day, it was ridiculously hot, I got eaten alive by mosquitoes, and of course, I would have to get into a massive row with my family on the way home...

Fourth event: Preparing for university
Upside: Looking forward to leaving home and living on my own... relations with my family are becoming somewhat strained, and they'll probably work out better when we don't have to deal with each other every day. Just got my grad present laptop, which is sweet: better than our current desktop computer! I also found out that I got into residence, which I was worried about: apparently Queen's is having a bit of a housing shortage, so I'm glad I got in (and in a double room, rather than a triple or temp).

Downside: I'm starting to realize how much I'm going to miss this area. I've lived in one house all my life, so I have no idea what it's like to move. Also, I'm starting to come to grips with the fact that I may never see some of my good friends again (or at least not for quite a while). At the start of summer/end of grad, it didn't seem real at all: we promised we'd all stick together over summer and hang out, but it hasn't really happened that much due to people's work schedules. I know this sounds somewhat sappy and/or stupid, but I really am missing my regular contacts with friends. It's even worse to think of how there's only going to be one friend of mine even in the same province as me, and still quite a ways away. I mean, I've never been the sort of person to do something just to be with friends, or just because they're doing it: I did choose to go away to university, and I'm happy with that choice, but I'm beginning to figure out what that entails. I'm also nervous about getting my stuff there (still haven't found a good way to ship it), what classes are going to be like (I'm terrified of bombing Calculus again), and especially, what my roomate will be like: hopefully, he'll be a good guy, but I've heard some horror stories from other people who wound up with terrible roomies in college. Oh well, nothing I can really do about that.

Anyways, if you haven't yet picked up on it from the tone of this blog, I'm rather depressed. There's still so much I have to do, but I really can't motivate myself to do any of it. I'm also struggling with sorting out my friends/ideas/beliefs, which is another real pain, and it's not a good time for this to be happening. Oh well... this has been my vent, so it's probably time to stop ranting and get back to putting my face into... er, i mean nose to the grindstone. We'll see how it all works out...

Quote of the day: "Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind" -
Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man

The End!!!!!


Blogger Mr. H said...

So so so, where to start. Parents going away. I hate that too. My first week of work this summer was without my partents, and it sucked not having them to come home to. I hear you there. Second: Car dying. Seein that i've never had my own personal car, or had it die on me, I can't give much insight on that except....that you got a sweet new lap top. Looking forward to seeing that on Sat. Thirdly, hot girls and bad tans. Bad tans go away, and hot girls are generally ditzy, or full of themselves. But if they aren't (which many arn't), they'll will be more around, especially at Queens. I mean, with a name like Queens, there's got to be some fine looking hunnies out there. Fourthly, University. I'm freaking out. I not sure all the things i have to do now, and it seems to be edgeing closer and closer. I'd be interested to see myself the day before I leave. Oh, and we'll have to plan a weekend (thanksgiving maybe) to hop on a bus and see each other. I mean, it'd be a pitty that we'd both be out there and wouldn't see each other. Come frist week of classes, you'll be too busy to even care about what you're feeling, or so i've heard?! Less than two weeks left...

7:13 p.m.  

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