Saturday, November 12, 2005

Our shows are formidable/But many times, we're given rhymes that are quite unsingable!

Well, I'm back from NY (actually got back last Monday at 5 AM, but had a busy week with no time to blog). The trip went pretty well: got to see a lot of cool stuff, like the UN and Times Square. Madame Tussaud's wax museum was also sweet, as you can see from the photos of all the celebrities I met. The highlight would have to be Spamalot though: for a Monty Python geek like me, this is the Holy Grail (pun intended) of musicals, and it exceeded my expectations enough that I got suckered into spending more $$ on souvenirs! Anyways, I now know when I'll be returning to B.C.: I'm flying in on Dec.16, and arriving early in the morning on the 17th. I'll be back until about Jan. 6., so hopefully I can get to hang out with all of you again (if I haven't passed the terminal threshold of geekdom by that time)!

Current activities: Reading ballycumbers, coming up with brisbanes for reading ballycumbers instead of working, and continually experiencing farmhams because of my time spent reading ballycumbers.

Words of the day:

One of the six half-read books lying somewhere in your bed.

A perfectly reasonable explanation (Such as the one offered by a person with a gurgling cough which has nothing to do with the fact that they smoke fifty cigarettes a day.)

The feeling you get about four o'clock in the afternoon when you haven't got enough done.

Song of the Day: Rage Against The Machine - Guerilla Radio (I've been replaying my classic Tony Hawk 2 game on my laptop, and this is the best song in it)

Click on a picture below to see it enlarged. Scroll over or click to see the caption (in the filename).


Blogger Mr. H said...

You saw Jean-Luc Picard! Man, that guy looks just as good in wax as he did in Season three, episode 8.IV when the federation had to go to the clingon planet to save the princess from that lost planet. If you ever pass the threshold of geekdom, i'll be rigth there with you least i'll try. See you in december

8:11 a.m.  
Blogger dan brouwer said...

Andrew good to see you're having a good time. Correct me if I'm wrong...but did they make a wax sculpture of you too? Like you got the same pose everytime, just wondering...eheh. just kidding..but seriously.

5:39 p.m.  
Blogger Stewart said...

looks good Andrew. you'll have to tell me about python in person. hopefully I'll see you and your dirty beard at christmas. Jean-luc is lookin better than ever!! He had a killer fight scene in The Wrath of Kaan. Wicked awesome. we should have a star trek marathon sometime... shamefully I have all the movies. ok not shamefully but something similar.


11:44 a.m.  
Blogger Andrew Bucholtz said...

@Stew: Star Trek marathon? I am totally in. There's no shame in it: embrace your inner geek (sure, you may be a buff guy who spends his days climbing mountains and pumping iron (I know you put free weights in your backpack just to show off!), but you still can feel the pull of geekdom!)

10:55 a.m.  
Blogger Andrew Bucholtz said...

@ Stew: By the way, I'm pretty sure that Picard wasn't in Wrath of Khan. Are you really just a poser geek?

10:56 a.m.  

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