Friday, December 02, 2005

Political Rant #8675309

Note: The title is a warning: if you don't like these, proceed to the reception, where they'll be playing the "Chicken Dance", so enjoy the "Chicken Dance"...

I'm very glad they've finally gotten around to calling an election. It will be awesome to finally be able to be able to vote (I still think 18 as a voting age really sucks, just because throughout high school and parts of elementary school, I cared more about politics than most people of voting age do!). Anyways, I'll obviously be backing the Conservatives: Harper's plan to lower the GST is awesome, and I actually have faith that he'll do it, unlike a certain governing party (the Liberals have promised over and over again to get rid of it, and made that a primary plank of their 1993 election policy, concieved by Paul Martin to boot!) Reducing a consumption tax is great: it encourages spending, and thus should help the economy. Harper's also talking about reducing income taxes as well, which I'd also like. Now, if only they'd throw in some more tax breaks for students...

However, all this pales in comparison before reason #1 to vote Conservative:
They haven't thrown away billions of dollars and funded their own party with our taxes!
How anyone can still vote for Martin and cronies after that brilliant financial management is beyond me, but it will still happen... I think the election will probably wind up very close, easily resulting in either a Liberal or Conservative minority. Despite how much I despise the NDP and Greens, (Yay communism/burning money instead of fossil fuels!) I actually am hoping they do decently and rob the Liberals of some support. No conservative voter in his right mind would swing to either of those parties, so if they do well, it will be at Liberal expense.
Anyways, that's enough for now, so I'll [/rant].

Harper for PM!


Blogger Andrew Bucholtz said...

Ok, in response to ad-scam under Chretien... a certain Mr. Martin was in charge of the country's finances at the time. These are not small potatoes: billions of dollars are a somewhat significant portion of the government's budget. There's only two options: A. Martin knew nothing, so he is/was incompetent, or B. Martin knew/aided in the whole thing, so he's just as crooked as the rest. Personally, I favour a mixture of the two... Additionally, it was your precious Liberals who originally promised to get rid of the GST (it was one of the central parts of Chretien's 1993 campaign, and a highlight of the party policy developed by a certain Mr. Martin). Furthermore, low and medium income families already pay significantly less (as a portion of their income) in tax than the wealthy, so it's not like they're being screwed. GST cuts would also help them... for example, I currently don't have any income, but I still shell out a ton in GST. At tax time, I'll probably be right around the cutoff for paying income tax, so I'll either pay none or a small amount, which wouldn't change much no matter how income taxes are cut. Thus, the income tax cut wouldn't help students like me very much(who certainly aren't wealthy), but we'd save a ton in GST. GST cuts will also encourage people to go out and put their money back into the economy, thus strengthening it... circulation = good. Stephen Harper doesn't have a Master's in economics for nothing...

5:25 p.m.  

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