Sunday, December 11, 2005

"The trouble with you, Ibid, is you think you're the biggest bloody authority on everything!"

Props to whoever gets the title quotation/joke without explanation. For everyone else, it's taken from a book by Terry Pratchett, who is officially the funniest author living. There's these two philosophers out experimenting at the "Axiom Testing Station", and they're trying to see if a tortoise can outrun an arrow. According to Xeno, one philosopher (modeled after the Greek Zeno), if you aim at the tortoise, it will have moved on a little bit by the time the arrow gets there, and thus you'll miss it (this is actually one of the real Zeno's motion paradoxes). Unfortunately for Xeno, they keep hitting the tortoise. Anyways, the other philosopher, Ibid, criticizes him, and Xeno replies with the aforementioned quote. If you still don't get it, Ibid. is short for the Latin ibidem, which means "in the same place", and is the most commonly used reference in any paper, as it means simply see the above footnote. It cracked me up the first time I read it, but my sense of humour is very unique... I found it appropriate for this post, seeing as I'm currently struggling through writing a 7 page history paper about the European revolutions of 1848, which are most famous for their lack of success (fascinating, I know)...

Anyways, in other news, my first exam was yesterday, on Calculus. It was okay, but as most of you know, mathematics is my mortal enemy, so of course it can't have been great... Oh well, we'll see how it turns up. This is my last week in Kingston for a while: I have a Latin exam tomorrow, a Chemistry exam the day after, and then a Physics exam Friday morning. I'm flying home Friday night, and will be getting in early Saturday morning, so any of you B.C. types, let me know if you want to get together.

Random musing of the day: I've been getting addicted to Smallville lately, and just finished watching the entire first season (working my way through the second one at the moment). It's amazing how much it resonates with me: not just the obvious fact that I recognize practically every location, as it was mostly shot in Cloverdale, but I can also really identify with some of the characters and situations. For me, my life in B.C. is a lot like that sort of community: sure, it isn't as small and as hick, but there's still that sort of everybody-knows you feeling, especially among the circles I have contacts in. I sort of feel the same tension between two worlds as well: granted, Kingston is a long way from Metropolis, but it's definitely quite different from Surrey...
The thing that resonates with me even more, though, is the idea that everybody only knows part of who you are. It's definitely true for me... there's some connections you make with certain people, and then you make others with other people, and it seems you never really get to know anyone completely (whether that's possible at all is another subject for debate!). Anyways, that's enough randomness for now...


Blogger dan brouwer said...

Andrew when did Terry Pratchett "officially" become the funniest author living? Did he get a badge or something of the sort? Just wondering cause yeah..thats a bold statement. And good luck with exams..I hope they don't kill your mortal enemy of math. Wonderful

2:44 p.m.  
Blogger Mr. H said...

The comment about smallville and life. I believe that you as a person are known fully. Just the fact is that different people know different parts. You're a pizza with mushrooms, green pepper, cheese, four different types of meat and a thin crust. Cut that pizza up give it out to the people in your life. Everybody gets the cheese. You are andrew, you come from BC, you like politics, and starwars (i just watched episodes IV-VI this week...fantastic.) Then some people get the green peppers, other meat, and mushrooms. But, at the end of the day, although the slice of andrew you may have experienced may be different from one person to another, the fact is that you're still getting andrew. This analogy has many holes in it, please don't analyze it too much. See you in a couple weeks, good luck with exams.

6:34 p.m.  
Blogger Andrew Bucholtz said...

Come on, Dan! Clearly, because I say something, that automatically makes it true;). Anyways, there's a decent amount of people who'd agree with me, especially now that his main real competition (Douglas Adams) is dead:(.
Thanks for the exam wishes... how are yours going, and when are you returning to B.C.? Can't wait to see you again...

6:35 p.m.  
Blogger Stewart said...

I agree with adam.

7:34 p.m.  
Blogger Andrew Bucholtz said...

Fine then, I'll cater to the lowest common denominator (Adam) who doesn't like the effort of looking down a few paragraphs to find words, and remove word of the day for a while...

8:23 p.m.  

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