Tuesday, February 14, 2006

This must be Valentine's Day: I could never get the hang of Valentine's Days...

I'll be impressed if anyone gets where the title quote is stolen from: post what you think, and I'll put the correct answer up later (hint: it's modified from another day). Anyways, happy Valentine's Day to those of you who celebrate it. It's an interesting holiday: can be a really positive experience for couples, but it is often very depressing for those of us who are single... oh well, my "celebration" consists of cranking up some Guns N' Roses, and relaxing to classic power ballads about the benefits and pitfalls of love. Anyways, enough on that topic...

So, what I've been doing lately: went to Montreal a couple weekends ago with some friends, and got to watch my first-ever hockey game in a bar: quality stuff! Quebec definitely has the right idea on drinking age: if you are old enough to vote or join the army, why shouldn't you be able to drink legally? It's not like the current age limit stops anyone anyways: in fact, I think there would probably be less problems with excessive drinking in college if 18 year olds were allowed into bars and clubs. In a bar or club situation, they won't serve you if you're severely intoxicated already, which is quite different from house parties or drinking in your room, where there is absolutely nothing to stop you. Also, it would allow freshmen to be more fully integrated into the campus social experience: there are so many cool concerts/clubs/other events that you can't partake in if you're under 19. Oh well, legislation clearly isn't supposed to make sense, so I guess this law fits in with the rest of them...

Other stuff going on: I've been playing a lot of squash (really cool game!) and intramural ball hockey to keep in shape, and have also spent a lot of quality time watching hockey. I'm stoked for Olympic hockey (starting tomorrow!), and one advantage of living in Ontario is most of the games are at somewhat reasonable times (I only have to get up at 7 A.M. tomorrow, whereas if I still lived in B.C., I would be waking up at 4 A.M. to watch the game). Canada should do well, but the Swedes and Czechs both offer formidable threats, so it will be a great tournament. Winter Olympics are all-around awesome anyway, especially the crazy stuff like skeleton and bobsledding: much better than anything in the summer (and Canada actually wins stuff!). Also, reading break is next week, so that will be some quality time off from the grind of classes: I still have lots to do before then though. I don't have any plans yet, other than to sit around here and watch some quality hockey, but something may come up. Anyways, I'm out of time for now, so that's all!


Blogger Andrew Bucholtz said...

Lol, too bad that didn't work out here, as I could stand to meet some single women. Find any interesting prospects yourself? By the way, good call: the quote is from Hitchhiker's, and it's Arthur Dent, originally referring to Thursdays.

9:01 a.m.  
Blogger Dave said...

Chalk up the gold to Canada already, everyone else is playing for second. Well, Sweden, the Czechs and Russia are playing for second. Everyone else who's competive has an outside shot at bronze.

10:51 p.m.  
Blogger Mr. H said...

Squash is fantastic. I try to play with my brother who is out in Hamilton at least once a week. We should play when we get back.

7:38 a.m.  
Blogger Andrew Bucholtz said...

For sure, James. I'd still like to come visit you while I'm out here, and maybe we could get a game in then even... I'm not sure if I'm coming home for summer or getting a job out here, so it might not be advisable to wait until then. Do you know of any weekends coming up that would be a good time for me to come see you?

Oh, and @Dave: I like your confidence, but we've only played one game, and not against a very tough team. I think Canada will win, but the Swedes and Czechs will definitely give us a run for our money (either that, or those monster Latvians: they did tie the U.S., after all!)...

7:56 a.m.  

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