Saturday, February 18, 2006

Warning: Bad Puns In Vicinity

Okay, so I just watched the Czech Republic - Finland game (Finns won 4-2), and saw Jaromir Jagr knocked out of the game early on by everyone's favorite Finn, Jarko Ruutu. I present for your consideration a number of possible newspaper headlines concerning the incident:

- Bounced Czech (both off the boards and out of the game)
- Czech (Jagr) and Balance (Ruutu)
- Jagr Gets Finnished
- Blank Czech (Jagr looked pretty stunned for a minute)
- Jagr Gets Board At Olympics (the penalty called was officially boarding)
- Czech Is Czeched
- Finnish Him! (The ever-popular Mortal Kombat cry)
- Jagr Knocked Out By [Mickey] Finn (a Mickey Finn is a drugged drink)

Anyways, that's all the bad puns I could think of off the top of my head. In other news, Canada lost to Switzerland 2-0 this morning: we outshot them 49-twentysomething, but couldn't beat their hot goalie in Martin Gerber (we actually scored two goals, but both were called back: one for a foot in the crease, and one because the replay was non-conclusive on if it crossed the line). Thus, tomorrow's game against the Finns is absolutely huge: if we win, we probably have second place in the group (depending on how the Czechs do), and possibly first. If we lose, we'll be in a dogfight with the Czechs for playoff position. We'll have to see how it goes!


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