Friday, December 16, 2005

My Chief Weapon: Fear and Surprise!

No, this is just another blog: I hope you weren't expecting the Spanish Inquisition or something...
Anyways, even the old inquisition standbys of the comfy chair and the soft pillows are nothing compared to the torture of a brutally hard physics exam... oh well, we'll see how it turns out. At least I'm finally finished, and I'm still heading home tonight (on one of the few Toronto-Vancouver flights that hasn't yet been canceled due to weather: crossing my fingers at the moment that it won't be later on). I'm rather worn out from exams and studying, so I'm very much looking forward to a nice break.

Today's Quote(s) of the Day: In keeping with the Spanish Inquisition theme, I've decided to present some quotes from Good Omens, a collaboration between Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, and the funniest book I've ever read about the Apocalpyse (not that many of them try to be funny, so it's a rather limited field: still, a great book). There's a section where these British kids come up with their own Inquisition against the local village witch; I'll give you the highlights.

Adam: "Someone ought to be doing something if there's all these witches about. It's - it's like that Neighbourhood Watch scheme.

Pepper: "Neighbourhood Witch."

Adam: "No"

Wensleydale: "But we can't be the Spanish Inquisition. We're not Spanish."

Adam: "I bet you don't have to be Spanish to be the Spanish Inquisition. I bet it's like Scottish eggs or American hamburgers. It just has to look Spanish."


Adam hesitated. His sister Sarah and her boyfriend had also been to Spain. Sarah had returned with a very large purple donkey which, while definitely Spanish, did not come up to what Adam instinctively felt should be the tone of the Spanish Inquisition.


"I don't see why it shouldn't be a British Inquisition," said Brian. "Don't see why we should of fought the Armada and everything, just to have their smelly Inquisition."

..... (after dunking Pepper's sister in a lake)
"What happens now?" said Pepper's sister.
Adam hesitated. Setting fire to her would probably cause no end of trouble, he reasoned. Besides, she was too soggy to burn.


"I bet if they'd jus' let us get started properly we could have found hundreds of witches," Adam told himself, kicking a stone. "I bet ole Torturemada din't have to give up jus' when he was getting started just because some stupid witch got her dress dirty."


Blogger Mr. H said...

i am so confused

2:14 p.m.  
Blogger dan brouwer said...

alright see you at home andrew...

1:43 p.m.  

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