Wednesday, December 14, 2005

That's a relief...

Well, I freaked myself out for a moment. Most of you probably know of my hatred for my eternal nemesis, the Canadian Tire Guy. Well, as I said in the last post, I've been watching a lot of back episodes of Smallville lately, and there's one character (Lana Lang's biological father) who really looks like him: so much, in fact that I had to check it out. I did so with nervous anticipation, because I enjoy his character (Henry Small), but I hate Canadian Tire Guy, so if they were played by the same person, my logic circuits would overload and I'd be off into the "get that man a padded cell" category. However, fortunately, it's only a drastic resemblance... Canadian Tire Guy is played by Ted Simonett, and Henry Small is played by Patrick Cassidy. Thus, Canadian Tire Guy will continue to be the Vader to my Luke, the Borg to my Federation, the Vogons to my Earth and the Killer Rabbit to my Knights of the Round Table... By the way, if you want to know about how hard it is to find out who Canadian Tire Guy really is, read this guy's blog: Very interesting (well, I thought so, anyways!) Anyways, check out the perfect parallel pics pinned prepostorously post-post (at the end of this posting), and then tell me if you think they look somewhat similar, or if I'm just nuts.

In other news, I only have one exam remaining. Friday shall now officially be known as "P-Day", or Physics day. There always needs to be some challenge in my life, it seems, and this is definitely the current one. Oh well, once it's done, I'll be returning to B.C. for what will hopefully be a nice, relaxing Christmas break. Still lots to do before then, though, so I should get going...

Quote of the day:

"Quid custodiet custard?" - Terry Pratchett
(Instead of who watches the watchers, who watches the custard: said by an intellectual mob member)


Blogger Stewart said...

I've got the best birthday gift ever for you Andrew... just you wait :)

7:35 p.m.  
Blogger dan brouwer said...

Andrew you'll be glad to know that
the Canadian Tire guy is voted the most annoying I've heard. I see the resemblence..but I can't believe you don't like his presentations of powertools that his neighbors love, or power washers that are only 149.99$! Canuck Tire Andrew! I don't like the guy who does Spence Diamonds commericals on the radio..pretty much the most annoying guy ever.

8:09 p.m.  
Blogger Share said...

i know everyone else loves him, but i cannot stand the jack fm guy.

seriously, people are beginning to get famous just from their being thick.

also see: see william hung.

4:26 a.m.  
Blogger Andrew Bucholtz said...

Yeah, I agree Sharon, William Hung is a total idiot. People are always getting famous for being idiots: case in point, see the TV show Jackass... I never have listened to Jack FM (other than in my dentist's office, lol), so I don't know if he's annoying, but I couldn't stand the morning show people on good old QMFM (our bus driver officially had the worst taste in music ever: it was always either that or country!). Has the Spence guy changed recently, Dan? I didn't mind the old guy that much.

7:51 a.m.  
Blogger Mr. H said...

lay off the canadian tire guy. he so friendly, even if he acts like a no-it-all prick who just wants to show off how well off he is by lending out his new tools to the neighbours who secretly think his kid should loose some weight but don' want to tell him that for fear that they wouldn't be able to use that nifty air pump for their summer vacation at the lake next week.

8:43 a.m.  
Blogger dan brouwer said...

Adam I'm not talking about the guy on Team 1040...thats why I said radio commercials not station. Spence Diamond guy has the most annoying voice ever..."I just want to punch him feeling arises" violent side there eh. Having to hear his voice like five times on the way to work = changing the radio station 5 more times than needed. Andrew this guy is annoying..more annoying than the Canadian Tire guy. And let them have their 15 minutes of fame..we've all forgotten William Hung..he's probably some bum on the street looking to do commercials for Home Depot.

8:22 a.m.  
Blogger Andrew Bucholtz said...

The Flanders analogy works, except that Flanders is actually a nice guy.. Canadian Tire Guy's just a jerk who wants to gloat about all the hardware stuff he has, and thinks he's such a manly man because he knows how to use a "retractable cordless drill with fully functional sucking technology"...

9:24 a.m.  

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