Saturday, January 07, 2006

There And Back Again... A Student's Holiday

Well, I've finished my three-week stay in the tropical climate of B.C., and am currently on a day-long journey back across Canada to the bitter cold of Kingston, Ontario, where it is always winter and never Christmas (I wasn't around there for Christmas, so theoretically at least, it never came: as I learned in quantum chemistry, the act of observing changes that which is observed, so logically, Christmas couldn't have come to Kingston without me observing it...) Haven't run into any trolls, goblins, wargs, dragons, or Nazgul yet, but I am currently dueling the hideous monster known only as "Flight Delayed"... oh well, at least I can get free wireless internet from here (Calgary airport)! I still have 3.5-4ish more hours of flying (to Toronto), and then some more lovely time (almost 4 more hours) on a bus to Kingston... getting in at 11, so hopefully I'll be able to catch the end of the Canucks' game. Tonight will be an important test for the 'Nucks: a climatic duel against the Flames, who are currently leading the division as well. So far, we've sucked against Alberta teams, but I'm hopeful that things will change... if I can slay the flight delay monster, maybe they can beat the hideous Dark Lords of Calgary (they are the Flames, after all, so maybe it's only their magically forged rings that allow them to beat us... oh right, they don't have any Cup rings, because they lost to the Lightning last season!)


Blogger beim said...

Flames won the Cup in '89, but I'm too bitter about it to right much more. They wore red, bunch of communists!

10:56 p.m.  
Blogger Andrew Bucholtz said...

Quite right... forgot all about the 1989 Cup (though I don't see how I could have, as Lanny MacDonald is not only my hero, but my mustached inspiration!)

1:45 a.m.  

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